European Respiratory Society

ERS practical Handbook of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

Edited by Leo Heunks and Marcus J. Schultz
ERS practical Handbook of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

Invasive ventilation is a frequently used lifesaving intervention in critical care. The ERS Practical Handbook of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation provides a concise “why and how to” guide to invasive ventilation, ensuring that caregivers can not only apply invasive ventilation, but obtain a thorough understanding of the underlying principles ensuring that they and their patients gain the most value from this intervention.

The editors have brought together leading clinicians and researchers in the field to provide an easy-to-read guide to all aspects of invasive ventilation. Topics covered include: underlying physiology, equipment, invasive ventilation in specific diseases, patient monitoring, supportive therapy and rescue strategies, inhalation therapy during invasive ventilation, weaning from invasive ventilation and technical aspects of the ventilator.

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  • European Respiratory Society
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