Grainne D'Ancona
- Reducing inappropriate high dose ICS prescribing for COPD in primary care using respiratory integrated care virtual clinicsBy Vincent Mak, Grainne D'Ancona, Rishi Rampersad, Azhar Saleem and Jas KhambhVincent Mak1Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, United KingdomGrainne D'Ancona2Pharmacy Department, Guys and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and Kings College, London, United KingdomRishi Rampersad3Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation, NHS London Procurement Partnership, London, United KingdomAzhar Saleem4Lambeth CCG, Lambeth CCG, London, United KingdomJas Khambh3Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation, NHS London Procurement Partnership, London, United Kingdom
- The Transition of Respiratory Care: from Child to AdultEdited by Alexandra M. Nanzer, Peter J. Barry and Brian D. KentBook | Published in 2024DOI: 10.1183/2312508X.erm10424ISBN (electronic): 978-1-84984-179-5Alexandra M. NanzerPeter J. Barry
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About the ERS books
The ERS Monograph is the quarterly book series from the European Respiratory Society. Each Monograph covers a specific area of respiratory medicine, providing in-depth reviews that give clinicians at all levels a concise, comprehensive guide to symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
The ERS Handbooks are compact guides to broad areas of the respiratory field. Launched in 2010, the series now covers adult, paediatric and sleep respiratory medicine, includes a companion volume of self-assessment questions and features the ERS Practical Handbooks.